6 Results for the search " simple":
Electrical Transients in Power Systems Example in EMTP
RL and RLC circuit, and the simple TRV example from Chapter 3 of the textbook 'Electrical Transients in Power Systems' by Allan Greenwood - modeled in EMTP.
Tag(s): trv, simple, rlc, greenwood, allan greenwood, electrical transients
Vary parameters, start simulation and export scope waveforms by script
This script is a simple example to learn how to script.
The script is started from the EMTP design by double clicking on the 'Script1' grey button.
The script example:
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- varies a fault resistance
- runs a simulation for each value
- exports results of a selected list of scope in MAT and ASCII formats
- returns Min and Max
Tag(s): script, script, ASCII, MAT, parametric, minimum, maximum
Lightning-Induced Overvoltages Transferred Through Distribution Power Transformers
This paper deals with the calculation of lightning induced overvoltages on medium-voltage (MV) and low-voltage (LV) distribution networks taking into account the presence of MV–LV distribution trans... see moreformers and, in particular, the surge transfer through them. The influence of the high-frequency model adopted for the representation of the power transformer on the calculation results is analyzed, with regards to two different models, both identified and validated by means of laboratory measurements: namely, a simple π of capacitances, and the more complex one introduced by Morched, Marti, and Ottevangers in 1993. Accurate simulation results provide information on the adequacy of both models for the calculations of interest. Additional results, useful to evaluate the expected level of power quality and the benefits achievable by a proper installation of protection devices, are presented making reference to a realistic and complex configuration of an overhead distribution system
Authors: Alberto Borghetti, Atef Morched, Fabio Napolitano, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Mario Paolone,
Tag(s): Lightning, distribution transformers, overvolatges
JavaScript Examples
Some simple EMTP-RV scripts :
- Parameters sweep
- Change the simulation options
- Run simulation
- Change the fault location
- Change the transformer remanent flux
- Cha... see morenge the switching Times
Tag(s): Script, Javascript
Example of a user defined model. In this case a line-start permanent magnet synchronous machine is connected to a simple power network. This machine, working as a generator, has been modeled by contro... see morel elements. This user defined model is not recomme.
The line-start permanent magnet motor is a high-efficiency synchronous motor with self starting capability when operating from a fixed frequency voltage source. The permanent magnets embedded in its rotor provide the synchronous excitation and the rotor cage provides the induction motor torque for starting. The difference in permeability between the magnet and rotor core also results in significant magnetic saliency and reluctance torque at synchronous speed. At asynchronous speeds, the dc excitation and saliency of the permanent magnets will cause pulsating torque components. When the field strength of the magnet is too strong, a line-start permanent magnet motor may fail to synchronize because of the excessive pulsating torque component from the dc-excitation of the magnet.
The objective of this case is to create a user defined model of a permanent magnet synchronous machine. With this model the user can explore the behaviour of the torque components during a starting run of the generator from standstill. In particular, we will examine the ability of the motor to synchronize with various values of magnet field strength, mechanical loading and rotor inertia.
This case also shows the capabilities of EMTP-RV to create user defined models. This model assembled with control elements is particularly clear. I needed 4 hours to create this model and to validate it with an existing Simulink model ! The user can see the whole model with its equations on one page (see Figure below)
This model is given as an example of user defined model and should not be used for other purposes.