Keyword Index

Object: DWDevice

  • allInstances - Gets a string array containing the instance locators for all possible physical instances of this object
  • attributeList - Gets or sets the attribute list (i.e. the collection of all attribute values) associated with this object.
  • circuit - Gets the circuit containing this object. Read-only
  • deleteAttribute - Deletes an attribute value in this object
  • detachedType - Gets an independent type definition for the device, with options for including instance modifications in the new type definition
  • detachedType - Gets an independent type definition representing the device as it currently appears in the circuit.
  • fillColor - Gets or sets the fill color for this device.
  • flip - Flip the device, similar to selecting the Flip Horizontal/Vertical commands
  • frame - Gets a rectangle bounding the device.
  • getAttribute - Gets an attribute value from this object
  • getAttributeVis - Gets the visibility of an attribute on this object
  • getEMTPPhases - Gets the number of phases of all power signals attached to the device.
  • getInstanceLocatorInCircuit - Gets the instance locator for this device as if it was in the circuit whose instance locator is given
  • getPinWindowPos - Returns the XY position of the point where the given pin touches the body of the device symbol. The point is returned in the coordinate system of the given window and is intended to assist in drawing symbol elements that are aligned with a pin
  • getProperties - Gets a properties object associated with this object.
  • instanceHierName - Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its hierarchical name to identify it
  • instanceLocator - Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its locator to identify it
  • isInvisible - Gets or sets the "invisible" status of the device, i.e. whether the device is drawn on the screen
  • isLocked - Gets the "locked" status of the device, i.e. whether it's subcircuit can be opened by the user.
  • isModelSubcct - Returns true if this device has a subcircuit and the subcircuit is marked as a "model" type, i.e. the subcircuit contents do not represent physical devices in the design but exist primarily to define the simulation function of the parent symbol.
  • isPhysicalSubcct - Returns true if this device has a subcircuit and the subcircuit is marked as a "physical" type, i.e. it represents physical devices in the design.
  • isReadOnly - Gets the "read-only" status of the device, i.e. whether the device is in a read-only circuit
  • isSelected - Gets or sets the "selected" status of the device
  • isUnique - Returns true if this device is unique, i.e. it is the only instance of its type, false if there are any other instances of the same type.
  • lineColor - Gets or sets the line color for this device.
  • locator - Gets the locator string of the circuit
  • makeUnique - Isolates the type definition of this device so that it is no longer the same as others that were created from the same library part. That is, updates or modifications to the original type will no longer affect this device.
  • name - Gets the name of the device
  • numPins - Gets the number of pins on this device.
  • objType - Returns a string with the name of this object class "DWDevice".
  • orientation - Get the device symbol's orientation.
  • pageNum - Gets the page number that the device is located on in the circuit.
  • pins - Gets an array of DWPin objects representing the connections to the device.
  • posX - Get the device's X position on the diagram.
  • posY - Get the device's Y position on the diagram.
  • readOnly - Returns true if the circuit containing this object is marked "read only". Note that this status primarily affects the user interface and does not prevent script methods from making changes to the circuit.
  • redraw - Causes the device to be redrawn on the schematic if it is visible.
  • reloadScript - Causes the device script to be reloaded and recompiled the next time it is needed.
  • remove - Removes (deletes) the associated device from its circuit.
  • rotate - Rotate the device, similar to selecting the Rotate Right/Left commands
  • rotateAttribute - Rotates the attribute text on the diagram
  • select - Sets the associated device to be selected, as if the user had clicked on it.
  • setAttribute - Sets an attribute value in this object
  • setAttributeVis - Sets the visibility of an attribute value in this object
  • signalNames - Gets a list of the names of signals attached to the device's pins, or sets the names of the attached signals from a given list.
  • subCircuit - Gets a DWCircuit object representing the subcircuit of the device.
  • type - Gets or sets the type definition for the device.
  • window - Gets a DWWindow object that allows drawing on the device
  • Property: allInstances

    Gets a string array containing the instance locators for all possible physical instances of this object

    SPArray allInstances();

    Property: attributeList

    Gets or sets the attribute list (i.e. the collection of all attribute values) associated with this object.

    SPArray attributeList();

    attributeList = SPArray


    Returns or accepts an SPArray of DWAttribute objects

    Property: circuit

    Gets the circuit containing this object. Read-only

    DWCircuit circuit();

    Method: deleteAttribute

    Deletes an attribute value in this object

    void deleteAttribute(fieldName);

    void deleteAttribute(fieldNum);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to delete
    fieldNum int The internal field number of the field to delete

    Method: detachedType

    Gets an independent type definition for the device, with options for including instance modifications in the new type definition

    DWType detachedType();

    DWType detachedType(useInstCct);

    DWType detachedType(useInstCct, useInstAttr);

    DWType detachedType(useInstCct, useInstAttr, useInstSym);

    DWType detachedType(useInstCct, useInstAttr, useInstSym, makePtFields);

    Name Expected Type Description
    makePtFields bool If true, makes .Pt (attribute position) fields for all values displayed on the current instance. Defaults to true
    useInstCct bool If true, includes a copy of the internal circuit as defined for the current instance. Default to true
    useInstAttr bool If true, copies the attribute values currently set in the instance to be part of the new definition. Defaults to true
    useInstSym bool If true, uses the symbol as it appears for the current instance, including rotation. Defaults to true


    Returns a DWType object representing the device instance, opionally including any changes made to rotation, subcircuit or attributes.


    NOTE: The DWType object returned by this method is a copy independent of the current design and can be edited as desired.

    Property: detachedType

    Gets an independent type definition representing the device as it currently appears in the circuit.

    DWType detachedType();


    Returns a DWType object representing the device instance including any changes made to rotation, subcircuit or attributes.


    NOTE: The DWType object returned by this method is a copy independent of the current design and can be edited as desired.

    Property: fillColor

    Gets or sets the fill color for this device.

    int fillColor();

    fillColor = int


    Returns an integer representing the color. Zero means no color (i.e. the default), 1 - 20 are the built-in system colors, any 32-bit number with the top bit set (0x80bbggrr) will be used as a 24-bit RGB color.


    NOTE: When setting the color of a device, only filled shapes that are stored with the default background color (i.e. white) have the new color applied to them. Non-default fills are not affected.

    This call does not modify the symbol definition, but only settings the drawing parameters for this particular device

    Method: flip

    Flip the device, similar to selecting the Flip Horizontal/Vertical commands

    void flip(vert, keepConnections);

    Name Expected Type Description
    keepConnections bool If true, the program will reroute lines as necessary to maintain connections to the device. If false, the device will be, in effect, cut and pasted back in the new orientation. Defaults to false
    vert bool If true, the device is flipped vertically, i.e. bottom to top. If false, the device is flipped left to right. Defaults to false;

    Property: frame

    Gets a rectangle bounding the device.

    Rect frame();

    Method: getAttribute

    Gets an attribute value from this object

    String getAttribute(fieldName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to retrieve


    Returns a string representing the value of the specified attribute field. This string will be empty (zero length) if the field does not exist.

    Method: getAttributeVis

    Gets the visibility of an attribute on this object

    bool getAttributeVis(fieldName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to retrieve


    Returns true if the field is displayed on the schematic, false otherwise

    Method: getEMTPPhases

    Gets the number of phases of all power signals attached to the device.

    int getEMTPPhases();


    Returns 3 for a 3-phase device, 1 for a device connected to 1-phase power signals only, 0 for a device with no power connections, -1 for an error or conflict.

    Method: getInstanceLocatorInCircuit

    Gets the instance locator for this device as if it was in the circuit whose instance locator is given

    String getInstanceLocatorInCircuit(cctInstLoc);

    Name Expected Type Description
    cctInstLoc String The instance locator of the desired parent circuit

    Method: getPinWindowPos

    Returns the XY position of the point where the given pin touches the body of the device symbol. The point is returned in the coordinate system of the given window and is intended to assist in drawing symbol elements that are aligned with a pin

    SPPoint = getPinWindowPos(pinNum, window);

    Name Expected Type Description
    window DWWindow A window object representing the drawing port for the device symbol
    pinNum int The ordinal pin number of the desired pin, from 1..N


    Returns an SPPoint object that can be used to access the XY coordinates. These are given in the current coordinate system of the window

    Method: getProperties

    Gets a properties object associated with this object.

    Property: instanceHierName

    Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its hierarchical name to identify it

    String instanceHierName();

    instanceHierName = String


    The instance locator string identifies the currently selected unique physical instance of an object within a hierarchical circuit structure. Setting the instance locator does not change the locator of the definition object, it only selects one of the possible physical instances that can be represented by this definition. If the given instance locator is not valid for this definition, it is ignored. If it is valid and is different than the current selected instance and if the instance is in a displayed circuit, the display will be updated to reflect the change.

    Property: instanceLocator

    Gets or sets the selected physical instance of the circuit using its locator to identify it

    String instanceLocator();

    String instanceLocator(parentCctLocator);

    instanceLocator = String

    Name Expected Type Description
    parentCctLocator String The instance locator of the parent circuit. If this is provided, it is used instead of the actual parent circuit to determine the instance locator.


    The instance locator string identifies the currently selected unique physical instance of this object within a hierarchical circuit structure. Setting the instance locator does not change the locator of the definition object, it only selects one of the possible physical instances that can be represented by this definition. If the given instance locator is not valid for this definition, it is ignored. If it is valid and is different than the current selected instance and if the instance is in a displayed circuit, the display will be updated to reflect the change.

    Property: isInvisible

    Gets or sets the "invisible" status of the device, i.e. whether the device is drawn on the screen

    bool isInvisible();

    isInvisible = bool

    Property: isLocked

    Gets the "locked" status of the device, i.e. whether it's subcircuit can be opened by the user.

    bool isLocked();


    This property is read-only

    Property: isModelSubcct

    Returns true if this device has a subcircuit and the subcircuit is marked as a "model" type, i.e. the subcircuit contents do not represent physical devices in the design but exist primarily to define the simulation function of the parent symbol.

    bool isModelSubcct();

    Property: isPhysicalSubcct

    Returns true if this device has a subcircuit and the subcircuit is marked as a "physical" type, i.e. it represents physical devices in the design.

    bool isPhysicalSubcct();

    Property: isReadOnly

    Gets the "read-only" status of the device, i.e. whether the device is in a read-only circuit

    bool isReadOnly();


    This property is read-only

    Property: isSelected

    Gets or sets the "selected" status of the device

    bool isSelected();

    isSelected = bool


    Setting this value to true is equivalent to calling select(false, false);

    Property: isUnique

    Returns true if this device is unique, i.e. it is the only instance of its type, false if there are any other instances of the same type.

    bool isUnique();

    Property: lineColor

    Gets or sets the line color for this device.

    int lineColor();

    lineColor = int


    Returns an integer representing the color. Zero means no color (i.e. the default), 1 - 20 are the built-in system colors, any 32-bit number with the top bit set (0x80bbggrr) will be used as a 24-bit RGB color.


    NOTE: When setting the color of a device, only lines that are stored with the default foreground color (i.e. black) have the new color applied to them. Non-default lines are not changed.

    This call does not modify the symbol definition, but only settings the drawing parameters for this particular device

    Property: locator

    Gets the locator string of the circuit

    String locator();


    The locator string identifies an object within a hierarchical circuit structure and provides a unique way of identifying this object despite duplicate or non-existant names.

    Method: makeUnique

    Isolates the type definition of this device so that it is no longer the same as others that were created from the same library part. That is, updates or modifications to the original type will no longer affect this device.

    bool makeUnique();

    bool makeUnique(doChildren);

    bool makeUnique(doChildren, doAllOfSameType);

    bool makeUnique(doChildren, doAllOfSameType, newTypeName);

    bool makeUnique(doChildren, doAllOfSameType, newTypeName, newPartName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    newPartName String The new contents for the Part attribute. If empty, no change is made. If the "doChildren" parameter is TRUE, this name only applies to the top level device, all child devices will retain their original name. Defaults to empty.
    newTypeName String The new name for the type definition, i.e. the name that will appear in the library part list. If empty, no change is made. If the "doChildren" parameter is TRUE, this name only applies to the top level device, all child devices will retain their original name. Defaults to empty.
    doAllOfSameType bool Pass true to apply the make unique operation to all devices that currently share the same type definition in this design. I.e. after this operation they will all share the new, isolated type definition. Defaults to false.
    doChildren bool Pass true to apply the make unique operation to all devices in this device's subcircuit and any nested subcircuits. Defaults to false.


    Returns true if operation succeeded, false if any error

    Property: name

    Gets the name of the device

    String name();


    This is a read-only property.

    Property: numPins

    Gets the number of pins on this device.

    int numPins();

    Property: objType

    Returns a string with the name of this object class "DWDevice".

    String = objType

    Property: orientation

    Get the device symbol's orientation.

    char = orientation


    A device's orientation is determined by a single character, which will be one of the following:

    Property: pageNum

    Gets the page number that the device is located on in the circuit.

    int pageNum();

    Method: pins

    Gets an array of DWPin objects representing the connections to the device.

    DWArray pins();


    Returns a DWArray object containing a DWPin object for each pin.

    Property: posX

    Get the device's X position on the diagram.

    int = posX


    Positions are measured in 1/1000"

    Property: posY

    Get the device's Y position on the diagram.

    int = posY


    Positions are measured in 1/1000"

    Property: readOnly

    Returns true if the circuit containing this object is marked "read only". Note that this status primarily affects the user interface and does not prevent script methods from making changes to the circuit.

    bool = readOnly

    Method: redraw

    Causes the device to be redrawn on the schematic if it is visible.

    void redraw();

    Method: reloadScript

    Causes the device script to be reloaded and recompiled the next time it is needed.

    void reloadScript();

    Method: remove

    Removes (deletes) the associated device from its circuit.

    void remove();


    Any subsequent references to this DWDevice object will fail with an exception since the associated circuit object is gone.

    Method: rotate

    Rotate the device, similar to selecting the Rotate Right/Left commands

    void rotate();

    void rotate(rotation);

    void rotate(rotation, keepConnections);

    Name Expected Type Description
    keepConnections bool If true, the program will reroute lines as necessary to maintain connections to the device. If false, the device will be, in effect, cut and pasted back in the new orientation. Defaults to false
    rotation int The absolute orientation or relative rotation desired, in degrees, see comments below. This parameter is optional and defaults to -90 (rotate left 90) if not specified


    Method: rotateAttribute

    Rotates the attribute text on the diagram

    void rotateAttribute(fieldName, rotation);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to rotate
    rotation int The absolute orientation or relative rotation desired, in degrees, see comments below. This parameter is optional and defaults to -90 (rotate left 90) if not specified


    Method: select

    Sets the associated device to be selected, as if the user had clicked on it.

    void select();

    void select(show);

    void select(show, deselOthers);

    Name Expected Type Description
    deselOthers bool Pass true to deselect all other circuit objects before selecting this one. Defaults to false.
    show bool Pass true to have the page containing the object opened and scrolled as needed to display it. Defaults to false.

    Method: setAttribute

    Sets an attribute value in this object

    void setAttribute(fieldName, value);

    void setAttribute(fieldName, value, visibility);

    Name Expected Type Description
    value String The new value for the specified field
    fieldName String The name of the field to set
    visibility int How to set visibility of resulting attribute text. 0 (false) = hide, 1 (true) = show, 2 = use default setting in design's attribute table, -1 = leave current visibility If this parameter is not supplied, 2 is assumed.




    If the given field name is not defined in the design's attribute table, it is added automatically. It is preferable to ensure that any fields used are already defined in the target design to make sure the settings are appropriate.

    Method: setAttributeVis

    Sets the visibility of an attribute value in this object

    void setAttributeVis(fieldName, visibility);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to set
    visibility bool true to make the attribute visible, false to hide it

    Property: signalNames

    Gets a list of the names of signals attached to the device's pins, or sets the names of the attached signals from a given list.

    signalNames = SPArray

    SPArray = signalNames

    SPArray = signalNames(excludeTemps);

    Name Expected Type Description
    excludeTemps bool Set to true to include only user-assigned names, defaults to true


    Retrieving this property returns an SPArray object with each element being a string.


    This property is intended for saving an restoring names of attached signals when deletting and replacing a device. When getting signal names, a name is left empty if it is invisible and has a default value. Similarly, on setting this property, the signal corresponding to an empty entry will be left unchanged.

    Method: subCircuit

    Gets a DWCircuit object representing the subcircuit of the device.

    DWCircuit subCircuit();


    Returns a DWCircuit object or null if the device has no subcircuit. The returned object represents the actual circuit in use in the design and should be modified with care.

    Method: type

    Gets or sets the type definition for the device.

    DWType type();

    type = DWType

    void type(newType);

    void type(newType, keepOldAttrPos);

    Name Expected Type Description
    newType DWType New type to set this device to
    keepOldAttrPos bool True to keep all old attribute values and positions, true to take new values from the new type and calculate new positions. False by default


    Returns a DWType object representing the device type definition for this device.


    NOTE: When retrieving the type of a device, the type definiton is locked because it is in use in the design. No changes can be made to the type. To get a copy of the type that can be edited, use detachedType

    The type returned by this method is the type (symbol) definition used by the device and does not include any changes made to attributes or rotation in the circuit.

    Setting a new value for a device's type effectively deletes and replaces the device, which may cause arbitrary connection and other changes in the circuit.

    Property: window

    Gets a DWWindow object that allows drawing on the device

    DWWindow window();