Keyword Index

Object: DWType

  • addAltPic - Add an alternate symbol picture to this type
  • attributeList - Gets or sets the attribute list (i.e. the collection of all attribute values) associated with this object.
  • autoSymbol - Generate a symbol image and pin definitions from a text description
  • copyProtectionData - Copies the type protection password info from another type
  • frame - Gets a rectangle bounding the symbol.
  • getAttribute - Gets an attribute value from this object
  • getAttributeVis - Gets the visibility of an attribute on this object
  • getProperties - Gets a properties object associated with this object.
  • insertPins - Adds 1 or more pins to the type
  • libID - Gets the libID (a unique integer identifier used to select a symbol from a library). If this is zero, this type has no libID, i.e. it was not read from a library.
  • library - Gets the library object that this type was read from, if any
  • markAsChanged - Marks this type as changed so it will be recognized as a new version when loaded into a design
  • name - Gets or sets the name of the type
  • numPins - Gets or sets the number of pins on this device type.
  • objType - Returns a string with the name of this object class "DWType".
  • pic - Gets or sets the picture (symbol) of the type
  • pinInterface - Gets a string representing the pin interface on this device. Read only.
  • pins - Returns an array of DWTypePin objects representing all the pins connected to this type
  • readOnly - Returns true if this type has been instantiated in a circuit. No changes can be made to type definitions that are in use in a circuit.
  • removePins - Removes pins from the type by either pin range or attribute value
  • setAttribute - Sets an attribute value in this object
  • setAttributeVis - Sets the visibility of an attribute value in this object
  • subCircuit - Gets a DWCircuit object representing the subcircuit of the type or sets the subcircuit attached to the type
  • Method: addAltPic

    Add an alternate symbol picture to this type

    void addAltPic(pic, name);

    Name Expected Type Description
    pic DWPic The picture to be added as an alternate symbol
    name String The name to be associated with this picture


    Types that are already instantiated in a circuit cannot be modified. I.E. This method can only be called for types that have been created in the script or read from a library and not yet used in a schematic.

    A type can have any number of alternate symbols associated with it. Each alternate symbol has a picture and a name. Whenever the device is drawn on the screen, the AltPicName.Dev attribute field for the device is checked. If this field contains a name that corresponds to the name of one of the alternate pictures, that picture is used instead of the standard one.

    The images are aligned at the top left corner. No checking is done of the size or alignment of the picture. It is the responsibility of the creator of the images to make sure they match in size and align correctly with the device pins.

    Property: attributeList

    Gets or sets the attribute list (i.e. the collection of all attribute values) associated with this object.

    SPArray attributeList();

    attributeList = SPArray


    Returns or accepts an SPArray of DWAttribute objects


    You can always get this property, but you cannot set it on a type that is already instantiated in a circuit, or was loaded from a library. This can only be set for a DWType object that was created within the script.

    Method: autoSymbol

    Generate a symbol image and pin definitions from a text description

    void autoSymbol(left, right, top, bottom, name, nameFont, pinFont);

    Name Expected Type Description
    bottom String A string defining the pins to appear on the bottom side of the symbol (see description below)
    left String A string defining the pins to appear on the lefthand side of the symbol (see description below)
    right String A string defining the pins to appear on the righthand side of the symbol (see description below)
    nameFont String The name, size and attributes of the font used to draw the name in the symbol (see description below)
    top String A string defining the pins to appear on the top side of the symbol (see description below)
    pinFont String The name, size and attributes of the font used to draw the pin labels in the symbol (see description below)
    name String The name to be displayed in the center of the symbol


    All parameters are optional

    This method completely rebuilds the type and any previous settings or attributes will be replaced.

    Types that are already instantiated in a circuit cannot be modified. I.E. This method can only be called for types that have been created in the script or read from a library and not yet used in a schematic.

    The left, top, right and bottom strings must contain a comma-separated list of pin names, with the following additional options

    The font strings can contain a font name, size and attributes

    Method: copyProtectionData

    Copies the type protection password info from another type

    void copyProtectionData(srcType);

    Name Expected Type Description
    srcType DWType The type whose data will be copied to this type. The source is not modified.


    Types that are already instantiated in a circuit cannot be modified.

    Property: frame

    Gets a rectangle bounding the symbol.

    Rect frame();

    Method: getAttribute

    Gets an attribute value from this object

    String getAttribute(fieldName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to retrieve


    Returns a string representing the value of the specified attribute field. This string will be empty (zero length) if the field does not exist.

    Method: getAttributeVis

    Gets the visibility of an attribute on this object

    bool getAttributeVis(fieldName);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to retrieve


    Returns true if the field is displayed on the schematic, false otherwise

    Property: getProperties

    Gets a properties object associated with this object.

    Method: insertPins

    Adds 1 or more pins to the type

    void insertPins(startIndex);

    void insertPins(startIndex, numToInsert);

    Name Expected Type Description
    numToInsert int The number of pins to insert. If not specified, defaults to 1
    startIndex int The index (zero-based) of the first pin to insert. If -1 is specified, they are added at the end of the pin list


    No return value


    Pins are created with default attributes, direction, function and name properties. These values can be set for the new pins after this call any time before the type is used to instantiate devices

    You cannot use this method on a type that is already instantiated in a circuit, or was loaded from a library. This can only be set for a DWType object that was created within the script or obtained using the DWDevice.detachedType property

    Property: libID

    Gets the libID (a unique integer identifier used to select a symbol from a library). If this is zero, this type has no libID, i.e. it was not read from a library.

    int libID();


    The lib ID is determined by the library manager at runtime and is not a permanent property of this type.

    Property: library

    Gets the library object that this type was read from, if any

    DWLibrary library();


    The library cannot be set. May return NULL if this type was constructed internally and is not associated with a library.

    Method: markAsChanged

    Marks this type as changed so it will be recognized as a new version when loaded into a design

    Property: name

    Gets or sets the name of the type

    String name();

    name = String


    No changes can be made to a type that is instantiated in a circuit.

    Property: numPins

    Gets or sets the number of pins on this device type.

    int numPins();

    numPins = int


    You can always get this property, but you cannot set it on a type that is already instantiated in a circuit, or was loaded from a library. This can only be set for a DWType object that was created within the script.

    Property: objType

    Returns a string with the name of this object class "DWType".

    String = objType

    Property: pic

    Gets or sets the picture (symbol) of the type

    DWPic pic();

    pic = DWPic


    No changes can be made to a type that is instantiated in a circuit.

    Property: pinInterface

    Gets a string representing the pin interface on this device. Read only.

    String = pinInterface

    Method: pins

    Returns an array of DWTypePin objects representing all the pins connected to this type

    SPArray pins();


    Returns an SPArray object containing a DWTypePin object for each pin attached to this type


    WARNING: This array becomes invalid if any subsequent script commands causes elements to be added or destroyed. Not much checking is done for this and bad things could happen if you aren't careful!

    Property: readOnly

    Returns true if this type has been instantiated in a circuit. No changes can be made to type definitions that are in use in a circuit.

    bool = readOnly

    Method: removePins

    Removes pins from the type by either pin range or attribute value

    void removePins(startIndex);

    void removePins(startIndex, numToRemove);

    void removePins(attrFieldName);

    void removePins(attrFieldName, attrFieldValue);

    Name Expected Type Description
    attrFieldName string Name of an attribute field to check. If this is specified, each pin in the type is queried for the value of this field. If a value is specified, then only pins exactly matching the value will be removed. If no value is specified, any pin with any non-empty value in this field will be removed
    attrFieldValue string Value to match in order to remove each pin. See above.
    numToRemove int The number of pins to remove. If not specified, defaults to 1
    startIndex int The index (zero-based) of the first pin to be removed. If -1 is specified, they are removed from the end of the pin list


    No return value


    You cannot use this method on a type that is already instantiated in a circuit, or was loaded from a library. This can only be set for a DWType object that was created within the script or obtained using the DWDevice.detachedType property

    Method: setAttribute

    Sets an attribute value in this object

    void setAttribute(fieldName, value);

    void setAttribute(fieldName, value, visibility);

    Name Expected Type Description
    value String The new value for the specified field
    fieldName String The name of the field to set
    visibility int How to set visibility of resulting attribute text. 0 (false) = hide, 1 (true) = show, 2 = use default setting in design's attribute table, -1 = leave current visibility. If this parameter is not supplied, 2 is assumed.



    Method: setAttributeVis

    Sets the visibility of an attribute value in this object

    void setAttributeVis(fieldName, visibility);

    Name Expected Type Description
    fieldName String The name of the field to set
    visibility bool true to make the attribute visible, false to hide it

    Method: subCircuit

    Gets a DWCircuit object representing the subcircuit of the type or sets the subcircuit attached to the type

    DWCircuit subCircuit();

    subCircuit = DWCircuit


    Returns a DWCircuit object or null if the type has no subcircuit. The returned object represents the actual circuit in use in the design and should be modified with care.


    If the second form is used to set the subcircuit, this assignment actually makes an internal, independent copy of the given circuit, so it doesn't matter if the circuit provided is an open document or already attached to something else.