From FEMM to EMTP Cable Data – How to Use FEMM to Compute the Power Cable Parameters

EMTP User Conference 2021 - Frédéric Colas

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In the context of the simulation of an electrical network, different models of lines / cables are available. Among these, we can cite the PI models, the frequency dependent models (FD-Line) or the models called Wideband. This last type of modeling is considered in the power system community as a sufficiently precise model to simulate the behavior of the cable under non-symmetrical faults and more particularly in the case of underground or submarine cables. However, the parameters of this type of model are generally still calculated from a standard geometry. In this presentation, a methodology to obtain, from the software FEMM, the cable data parameters needed for EMTP will be presented. This methodology allows to easily obtain the correct parameters from specific cable geometry.

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