125 Results for the search "":
CIGRE B4.82 compatible DLL project
Zip file containing:
- a project of a proportional-integral (PI) code, in C++, compatible with the IEEE/CIGRE B4.82 interface
- a DLL compiled from this code
- an EMTP design containing... see more this DLL
This code may be used to integrate any user-defined control code.
Tag(s): B4.82, real code, DLL, C++, CIGRE, IEEE, user-defined
Per-unit-length parameters
This is a sample of a .mat file that contains the p.u.l parameters to import in the Line/Cable Data module
Controlled RLC
Controllable inductance and resistanced. The values can be varied during the time-domain simulation.
Tag(s): RLC, inductance, resistance, control, capacitance, controllable, vary
Arc furnace and flicker meter
Three phase arc furnace model was developed according to CEA’s measure campaign. Flicker meter model was based on flicker meter UIE standard, it reports the values
of flicker sensation, Ifl, an... see mored short-term flicker severity, Pst.
Tag(s): arc, furnace, flicker, CEA, fluctuation, UIE, chaotic