Methods of Generating COMTRADE Files Using EMTP for Testing SEL-T400L Traveling Wave Relays
EMTP User Conference 2020 - Toby Russell, Dr. Prashanna Bhattarai, Dr. Milton Quinteros
This presentation provides two different methods of generating COMTRADE files to playback through the SEL-T400L traveling wave relays using EMTP software. The first method of generating the COMTRADE files uses the standard export feature in ScopeView. The second method utilizes a beta version of the COMTRADE recorder meter block to generate the .CFG files, which are later converted to .PLY files to be played back on the T400L. The advantages and disadvantages for each method are discussed along with demonstration results. Author: Toby Russell, Dr. Prashanna Bhattarai, Dr. Milton Quinteros Company: Entergy