Hardware Key

The hardware key is not install correctly, the key ID does not match or the host ID specified in the license file for EMTPWorks does not match this computer?

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How to make sure that Windows Update is configured to check for Drivers?

In case EMTPWorks is not running on the client machine with EMTP® dongle license, there are some steps that can be taken to solve this issue. Plug the dongle into the machine’s USB

Even after reinstalling the key driver, you obtain a message that tells you the key is not installed

Even after reinstalling the key driver, the driver key does not work. This probably means that an older driver version is preventing the new one to operate correctly. You will have to uninstall and install the new version. Download the following files

EMTP® – Installation manual for USB dongle license

You can access the EMTP® download page from https://www.emtp.com/download-emtp using the login and password you received by email. Download “EMTP 4.2.1 (with ScopeView)” Double-click on the file EMTPWorks421Setup.exe The below interface will a

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