EMTP is not opening

Submitted by Farhan_Masood on Fri, 11/22/2019 - 10:27

I am a new user of EMTP.  I installed it yesterday. yesterday it was working well but now it's showing an error. my software is not running. when I try to open it it shows an error window. with text written as below. DoMainSetuo Exception at 30: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at system.DateTimeParse(String s, DateTimeFormatinfo dtfi,DateTimeStyles styles} at WpfApplication1.MainWindow.LoadMRUDocs() at WpfApplication1.MainWindow.DoMainSetup() kindly guide me ASAP.

I am a new user of EMTP. I installed it yesterday. yesterday it was working well but now it's showing an error. my software is not running. when I try to open it it shows an error window. with text written as below. DoMainSetuo Exception at 30: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at system.DateTimeParse(String s, DateTimeFormatinfo dtfi,DateTimeStyles styles} at WpfApplication1.MainWindow.LoadMRUDocs() at WpfApplication1.MainWindow.DoMainSetup() kindly guide me ASAP.



I would try to install all possible windows updates available (start/check for updates).

You might have to restart and check again several times if you have not updated your laptop in a while.

If the problem still exists after that, try reinstalling EMTP. Make sure to have the admin right when you do that.

If all that does not solve your problem, please contact the technical support.



Fri, 11/29/2019 - 16:29 Permalink