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2 Results for the search " inductance":

See Controlled RLC

Author: h.gras
Type: Model
Downloaded: 80 times
Date: 2023-05-30

* 0 vote(s)

Controlled RLC

Controllable inductance and resistanced. The values can be varied during the time-domain simulation.

Tag(s): RLC, inductance, resistance, control, capacitance, controllable, vary

See Ideal SVC

Author: gerinlajoie.luc
Type: Model
Downloaded: 207 times
Date: 2012-11-23

* 0 vote(s)

Ideal SVC

This component is an ideal SVC (controlled admittance) instead TRC and TSC. The controlled reactance are design with controlled an inductance and capacitance on each phases.
Vref is calculated wi... see more

Tag(s): Components

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