3 Results for the search " parametric":
Vary parameters, start simulation and export scope waveforms by script
This script is a simple example to learn how to script.
The script is started from the EMTP design by double clicking on the 'Script1' grey button.
The script example:
... see more
- varies a fault resistance
- runs a simulation for each value
- exports results of a selected list of scope in MAT and ASCII formats
- returns Min and Max
Tag(s): script, script, ASCII, MAT, parametric, minimum, maximum
Change load power from an external file
This example illustrates how to read data from an external file and automatically update devices parameters in the design. In this example, the device is a load.
Double click on Update Parameters... see more device to start the script.
Content of the webinar studies from A to Z on lightning strokes
Designs built or presented during the webinar of the series Studies from A to Z on Lightning stroke analysis.
Models built:
- Metal Oxide surge arrester (IEEE working group 3.4.11)
- To... see morewer model for fast-front transients.
- Footing resistance of towers (with ionization effect)
- air-gap leader (Area Criterion Model and equal area integration (Cigre))
- FD lines
- Substation equipment
- Parametric studies
- Corona
Tag(s): Lightning, stroke, fast-front transient, tower, arrester, cigre, line, substation, parametric, corona, air-gap, leader