• Advanced Generic Grid Forming Converter Model

Advanced Generic Grid Forming Converter Model

The release of EMTP® version 4.5 introduces an enhanced generic model of the Grid Forming (GFM) converter, designed for stability, fault, harmonic, dynamic, and interconnection studies. The GFM converter offers several key features:

  • Power Flow Integration: It can be integrated into power flow studies as either a slack or PV bus.

  • Auto Initialization: Like all devices in EMTP®, this model benefits from automatic initialization for time-domain simulations, using load flow results from the integrated EMTP® load-flow solver. This feature eliminates the need for a ramp-up period to reach a steady state.

  • Different GFM Control Modes: It supports various GFM control strategies, such as droop control, virtual synchronous machine (VSM), dispatchable virtual oscillator control (dVOC), and PLL-based control.

    - Droop control

    - Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM)

    - Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator Control (dVOC)

    - PLL-based control

  • Different Sequence Controls It supports both coupled and decoupled sequence control modes, including fault current limiting options, enabling the inverter to adapt to different grid codes and standard requirements, such as IEEE Std 2800.

  • Dispatchability: It can be dispatched and integrated with power plant controllers.

  • Harmonic Studies: It can be used in harmonic studies to accurately represent the inverter.

  • White-Box Model: It provides detailed visibility into the inverter's internal workings, allowing users to modify and analyze specific parameters and behaviors for in-depth study and customization.