Transient immunity assessment of wind and solar parks

EMTP Webinar - Hossein Ashourian & Anton Stepanov

Abstract Inverter-base Resources (IBRs), such as solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind parks are subject to transients which may cause more issues as compare to traditional generation due to the collector grid and the geographical spread between converters. In this webinar, we present several challenges which may be faced by planners and park developers: - Transient immunity against utility-owned capacitor bank switching. Assessment of IEEE Std 1547-2018. - Ferroresonance after open-phase faults. - Temporary overvoltage (TOV) in a PV parks after a phase-to-ground fault Events and EMTP simulations will be described and analysed during the webinar. This work was performed with the collaboration of Bob Arritt, EPRI and Chest Li, Hydro One Presenters: • Hossein Ashourian - Power System Modeling and Simulation Specialist • Anton Stepanov - Research And Development Specialist

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